Jacky Dempsey
Certified Health & Wellbeing Coach
Hi, I'm Jacky Dempsey, a certified health & wellness coach with a passion for women’s health and wellness.
I want to help improve the lives of women who are struggling through their mid-life phases including perimenopause, and menopause and beyond. My mission is to educate women (or men) in better health choices by building healthy habits and changing old behaviours in order for them to live not just a long life but a healthy one.

I want each person I coach to feel excited and motivated to make these changes and to ultimately enrich their lives.
I believe with the world heading for an obesity crisis that urgent work needs to be done in order to educate and drive awareness of how we eat and live more healthily, which ultimately will save people from long term illness and relying on a health system already at breaking point.
Like many as I got into my 40s I started to struggle with menopause symptoms, feeling tired through disturbed sleep and night sweats, de-motivated to do any exercise and consequently putting on weight. In addition I was noticing other changes in my body that made me unhappy and less confident. Having discovered health coaching and the changes in my ways of eating, fitness and general lifestyle, I am excited to share how small changes can make a huge difference to the way you will feel.
As your health coach I will create a safe space for you to discuss the challenges you may be facing, along with reviewing your health and wellbeing goals
My career has been predominately within the lifestyle business sector, but my core motivation and drive for starting Inspiring Wellness comes from helping and caring for others. Sadly I watched an unnecessary illness take my mother and as a consequence I want to share my knowledge and understanding of how our food and lifestyle impacts many of the health conditions we live with today.
I will provide support throughout our coaching journey in a relaxed environment and I will be someone who will take the time to listen in an non judgmental space, and work with you to not only reach your goals, but to also create the ultimate Wellness Vision for your life.

“Your body holds deep wisdom. Trust in it. Learn from it. Nourish it. Watch your life transform and be healthy.”
– Bella Bleue